Tuesday, September 23, 2014

Monday nights we set time aside to have Family Home Evening, but it usually is a very fast family home evening, not because we don't want more time together, but because we just can't fit everything at night! Aaron gets home at around 6:45 pm and we all eat dinner together, if its ready...lets me honest... then after we get done eating, everything put away, its about 7:20...and the kids go to bed at 8...so it usually ends with Jocee asleep, and someone in tears, but we do get our treats, but not an activity usually. SO we decided that we would set aside a time on Saturdays to have a family activity time. Whoever gave the lesson gets to decide what we do the following Saturday. So yesterday was our first "real" family activity, and Ryan got to decide what we do, and he decided we should hike Round Mountain! It was super fun! We finally got going at around 11:00 am. Before that the kids and Aaron had found a baby Cardinal that looked like it had a broken leg. Aaron wanted to take it out to the College to feed it to the snake, Brookie really wanted to keep it, Ryan wanted it to go to Heaven, Jocee did NOT want it to be fed to the snake, but to keep it here in a cage, and Pax just kept poking it and saying "bird"! I was inside trying to get Jamberry stuff taken care of. So the hike was super nice, and just relaxing...crazy to think with four kids it could be relaxing, but it was great! We leisurely took our time up the mountain. Kasia came with us, and since we were the only ones on the mountain we let her off her leash, and she was amazing at staying with us, she would lead the way for us. I liked it because I figured if there was any thing scary she would let us know! So I think it took us about an hour and a half to go up about a 30 minute hike round trip! It was so worth it though, we were taking pictures and looking at rocks, eating Jojoba beans, and looking at nests...the kids were loving it, and I was loving it!! I realized that Brookie is a big time animal/nature girl. She didn't like the beans, but she sure loves climbing rocks, and looking for animals. She loves snakes, and rabbits, bugs, and lizards, she just isn't afraid of all the critters. So we got a picture of her finding a nest! Ryan is our silly little guy! He loves making faces in all the pictures...and videos for that matter! But in one of the pictures he had his hip sticking out, Aaron told him to stand straight...afterwards Ryan asked if we got a picture of him with his hip out, when we told him yes he started laughing and was so happy! Silly Boy! Jocee is our free spirited child. She didn't so much love walking so much, but she loved eating the jojoba beans, and flowers, and picking rocks and putting them in her backpack. She just is so carefree and I love that so much about her, but it can defiantly be scary at times! Paxton is just so happy to be walking without anyone holding on to him, although we was super sweet and holding Ryan's hand, and Jocee's hand. He loved going up to the kids and giving them hugs. He has gotten a lot more affectionate! While we were up at the top we did get a call saying Rachel was stranded and had a flat tire at the college. But before we headed down, Aaron had picked some puff balls for the kids. They are super fun little balls that grow on oak trees and they are like mini balloons that you can squeeze together and they pop. The kids were LOVING those and started picking them. The tree has some thorns though and Pax got to close to the thorn and got cut on his hand. We decided to head down so we could take care of Rachel and Pax. I was holding Pax and about half way down I slid and scratched up my leg! It seemed like a smooth slide because Paxton was still holding on and had his head laid on my shoulder. It wasn't to bad we got back up and headed down in what seemed like record time compared to the hike up! On the way out to the college I had Aaron drop me off for a short run, and I met them back at the college. Afterwards we got some pizza and headed home for some downtime...we watched Charlie and the Chocolate Factory. The kids hadn't ever seen it, and they said it was good...I still think its a little odd! Anyways that was our fun Saturday Activity!